ANADC 新闻 | 翁善伟受邀担任2018 WAF世界建筑节设计奖评委

Weng Shanwei, Founding Partner of AN Archiitecture & Design Company,will be judging in WAF Awards 2018.



啊嗯设计创始合伙人翁善伟先生受邀担任2018 WAF世界建筑节设计奖评委。

Weng Shanwei, Founding Partner of AN Archiitecture & Design Company, was recently invited to join the jury panel of 2018 World Architecture Festival Awards.


WAF世界建筑节是国际建筑界最具影响力的设计节之一,在这里,人们交流思想和灵感,旨在促进世界建筑的交流与进步。WAF世界建筑节设计奖的评审团由先进的建筑师、室内设计师和其他专业人士组成。今年的评委包括Sir David Adjaye OBE,Miquel Adria,Nathalie de Vries,Tom Alexander,Simon Allford, 胡如珊等,来自35个国家的130多位建筑师和设计领域专业人士。

World Architecture Festival is one of the most famous architectural events in the world, where the world architecture community meets to celebrate, learn, exchange and be inspired. The award will be judged by a jury panel consisting of leading architects, interior designers and other industry professionals. The other juries include Sir David Adjaye OBE, Miquel Adria, Nathalie de Vries, Tom Alexander, Simon Allford, among more than 130 architects and design professionals from 35 countries. 


请点击链接浏览2018 WAF世界建筑节设计奖全部评委。

Please click at the url for all the judges composed of the jury panel of 2018 WAF Awards.